Top 13 Best Cat Litters (We Tested Them All)
Top 13 Best Cat Litters (We Tested Them All)
After hours researching the types of litter on the market, which qualities set good litter apart from the rest, and which products work best, we’ve chosen these 13 cat litters as the best you can buy.
We independently purchased and tested these products and are not sponsored by any of the brands mentioned in this video.
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0:00 Best Cat Litters:
1:18 Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Multi-Cat Clumping Clay:
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2:25 Tidy Cats 24/7 Performance Non-Clumping Clay:
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3:20 Just the Crystals Silica Gel Litter:
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4:48 Pioneer Pet Smartcat Grass Cat Litter:
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6:00 Ever Clean Extra Strength Unscented Clumping Clay Litter:
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7:28 Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal Clumping Clay Cat Litter:
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8:00 Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Respiratory Relief Cat Litter:
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9:11 World’s Best Cat Litter Multi-Cat Formula:
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9:49 Catspot Coconut Cat Litter:
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11:05 Feline Pine:
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12:55 Yesterday’s News Original Formula:
Note: As of April 2022 Purina has discontinued its Yesterday’s News cat litter product line.
13:39 Yesterday’s News Softer Texture:
Note: As of April 2022 Purina has discontinued its Yesterday’s News cat litter product line.
14:43 Tidy Cats Breeze Litter System:
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For God sake Woman!!! How can you grab with your own fingers and nails your cats’ poop??? It is SO DISGUSTING!!! UGH!!! Did anybody taught you there are plastic globes for your hands??? Dear God, it’s incredible to see this in plain sight!
Regarding the pine pellet litter – I actually found that it tracks much much less than any finer grained litter, but that you need a specific kind of box to get the most out of it. You mention a sifting litter box but the one you show is actually designed for sifting clay litter. This does work, but the most efficient way is to get one that has clearance between the floor of the box and the sifting tray. Then all you do is put a liner in the bottom, shake the box to sift the sawdust, and scoop out the droppings. The one I have I got on Amazon and it is made by Suzziclaws, and it also has a plastic wall barrier around the top that prevents most pellets from being kicked out of the box.
BUYER BEWARE!!! Just found this out about silicone and clay clumping cat litters: (Researched this after my cat start having diarrhea issues..)
"Clumping litter is designed to form a hard, insoluble mass when it gets wet. It also produces a fine dust when stirred (as when a cat scratches around to bury a recent deposit). And these clumping litters absorb many times their weight in fluids. When cats or kittens use the litter box, they lick themselves clean; anything their tongues encounter gets ingested. Kittens especially tend to ingest a lot of litter when they are first learning to use the box.
Once the litter is inside a kitten or cat, it expands, forming a mass and coating the interior-thus, both causing dehydration by drawing fluids out of the cat or kitten, and compounding the problem by preventing any absorption of nutrients or fluids.
My cats and kittens had probably reacted with diarrhea initially in an effort to cleanse their bodies of the litter before it had a chance to settle and coat their insides. But kittens have very small intestines; a hard insoluble mass could very well produce a complete and fatal blockage within a couple of weeks."
This review is good. I wish you had added more on how each litter tracks throughout the house on the cats paws…
I have use that arm and hammer multi cat black box litter and the dust VARIES greatly from box to box. I actually quit using it because I got several boxes in a row that were super dusty. 🤷♀️ no idea why, but yea, not ideal.
Why would anybody use non-clumping litter ? I don’t get it.
Never use crystal litter!!!
My favorite litter, bar none, is Nature’s Miracle corn cob or walnut litter.
no pretty litter ?
It’s so important that you wear gloves when handling cat pee…..toxoplasmosis is very dangerous for pregnant women, most especially……it causes birth defects…… please glove up☮💜✝💜☮
I love the world’s best cat litter. Love it, love it, love it.
Tried the Dr. Elsey’s Litter… it has a lot of dust. Clay litters are no good. Of course I thought it was the best until I discovered there were other kinds 😂
Dr Elsey just the video would make me never buy it. That was horrible.
Saw dust is a known carcinogen, seems like a bad idea 👎
I use the Purina tidy cats for money reasons, please be aware, at least 2 times over a year. There were fleas. I noticed jumping fleas while I was watching my cat in the litter one time, that is how I know. So when you get the new bag, pour some into a small container and point at the window to see if there is anything.
No matter what litter you choose the KattekopLiner works with it and will keep your litter box clean.
Nice. Showing her shoulders and letting us tell her how hot it makes us. I love how she pretends this is about cats, not being a little slut.
Great video. There are so many brand litter selling a premium "free dust" version and in the end it has as much dust as the cheap/regular ones.
And seriously, why on earth would someone choose an uncomfortable litter for their cat just because they don’t like to clean it up? That can bring urinal system health issues, plus stressed problems related
I mean, c’mon, if you decide to adopt a cat, be sure that you can handle their necessities properly, instead of just making the cat uncomfortable for your convenience wtf
N you is no longer a state for declawing its against the law
Can you please review SUSTAINABILITY YOURS and SO PHRESH? thanks for all the great info
What the heck is a cat guardian? I am a cat owner LOL!
i never clik3d this vid before but youtube says i did
Why are you touching it with your bare hands
I have been using the Breeze system since 2011. I first started using it as I was on a long trip in my rv. It was a godsend that the odors (in a small space of the rv) were practically nonexistent). I transitioned my cats to the pellets by adding a few to their regular litter, increasing the amount over time. I also put in an extra half bag of pellets. My cat(s) seem to like it. I have had visitors who were in the room with two litter pans (behind a curtain in a closet) say that they could not tell there were litter pans in the room. Impressive!
You convinced me. Never getting a cat until I have a barn with cat door.
Our family would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We bought the smart cat and it is amazing, like life changing amazing. The air quality in our home is better. There’s no faint smell of cats. The litter is very light and easy to scoop through. The pee never hits the bottom, it clumps immediately. So, thank you very much for the informative video.
I only feed my cat dried roses and she craps potpourri.
My youngest sister turned me onto a cat box that uses safflower seeds called Smart Cat Box. Neither of us liked the small urine collection pan so we modified it to where the box sat on a low utility shelf which allowed us to put a funnel under the urine hole. The funnel then empties into a big jug. The Smart Cat Box has been working great. However, my older cat whom I think has some arthritis still prefers to have a regular litter box on the floor, even though I tried to provide him with a step to get up to the higher box.
I think the name " yesterday’s news" is so cute!!
Much much 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️
The best litter is straight up pellet stove pellets. they are very pleasant smelling and cleanup is a snap if you use a sifting type litterbox. Line the bottom of the catch pan with news paper, fill the sieve pan to the desired level and every one or two days shake the assemlled pans to release the sawdust to the bottom pan and dump out the dust in your garage out side. Relint the pan and top up the litter and collect the feces with an old pair of kitchen tongs or a pellet cat litter scoop with wide opennings if you can find one. This can be flushed down the toilet, just leave in in the toilet for 10 minutes or so to let unseparated pellets disolve. There is absolutely no unpleasant odor and the wood scent smells like my grandparents old log cabin farmhouse. 40lb bag lasts around 4-5 months and costs $7 Cdn.
I just switched to Dr. ELSEY.. Hard clumps, not dusty. Directions say to keep 3" in box to avoid bottom sticking. One drawback is the weight. Walmart carries a38lb. bag for $17.99 with a $3.00 coupon. Not testing litters anymore. I’m sticking with this one! 😊
it sucks how the world works. if you allready have a house, can just uses dirt for free then burry the used dirt and fertalize your lawn or garden. if stuck in an overpriced apartment, you need to deal with overpriced litter. althugh i heard you should NOT use dirt with cats that were born inside with humans, altho ones born outside and were rescued its OK to use dirt. lucky my cats came from outside and around the area the dirt comes from. altugh it unforntatly stinks more than regular litter but can use baking soda.
Any that has “clumping” ability contains “Silica” which is cancer causing which means it’s not good for your cat!
Any natural plant based litters like “corn” and “wheat” are also dangerous and can cause cancer because of ALL of the PESTICIDES used on the crops to prevent disease and bugs is still in the plant even when it’s processed as cat litter!!!
The pesticides can’t be removed and pesticides like “Roundup” are well known to be harmful.
Do you really want your cat using a potential cancer causing litter? I don’t think so.
The safest thing to use for your litter is “ kiln dried” pine pellets. Depending on where you buy it from it can be as inexpensive as about $7 per 40 pound bag which will last a single cat anywhere from 4-6 months.
Pine pellets are safe as long as they are KILN DRIED! Pine oil is poisonous to cats except the extreme high heats of the kiln drying process dries out the oil making the kiln dried pine pellets safe and inexpensive to use as your cat’s litter!
Wash your hands, wear gloves handling soiled litter.
We used World’s Best cat litter in the Robot 4, some was getting STUCK in hidden areas of the machine, and we had thousands of maggots! 🤢🤮
Hey everyone! What’s your favorite litter and why? Let us know!
We’ve noticed a lot of passionate, informative comments about the harmful effects of declawing. This is a controversial practice with a host of negative effects and the mention of declawing in this video was not meant to condone or normalize the surgery. If anyone would like more details on declawing and how it affects cats, you may be interested in our article on the subject:
So which are ur favs that are silica free as silica (not gell) in clay can cause cancer in cats and humans ?
I live in MX and the only one I can find from your list is the "World’s Best". I have tried the red bag and the green bag, which has brown colored litter (I think it’s walnuts). Of the two, I like the red bag better (currently using) for a few reasons. One, the color is better. It’s harder to see clumps in the brown, and when it tracks it looks like little brown bugs all over your floor. Odor control and smell of the litter were about the same, and I feel they aren’t bad. They also both clump ok, though the red bag is better. My issue is the scooping. When I go to scoop, just as you said, the clumps don’t hold together super well, so lots of tiny clumps remain behind. The green bag is worse than the red. Overall, not a bad litter, but it’s the only natural one I can get. Highly recommend the red bag over the green. I hope it help someone. Thank you for your review!!!!!
Pine pellets drove me crazy.
I had Kitty Litty once from the US – corn cob kernels coated in wax that came with a sifting litter box. After awhile, you just washed them with a garden hose & spread them out to dry. Best litter ever, but they stopped making it.
Cats have been killed inthe automatic litter machine.
What about BoxieCat Cat Litter?
Okay, you’re using Feline Pine incorrectly. It originated as horse bedding, which I’ve used for decades. The reason it has "chunks", is it’s meant to be watered down first. It poofs into dry, fluffy shavings. You get 3X the volume, don’t waste as much wood, clean more easily, and it sucks pee down to the bottom. Look at videos title EQUINE PELLET BEDDING. Bags of pine pellets can be purchased at hardware and feed stores for less than $10/40 lb bag. Feline Pine witholds these instructions and overcharges because they’re good at rooking you. I pour the pellets into a huge plastic tote, water it, watch it poof, then turn it weekly with a small spade so it doesn’t mold. OR you can fill the litter box 1/3 full, then add water. Using the raw pellets is harmful to your pet’s joints, and very wasteful and heavy.
Very helpful. Thank you so very much!!
I’m mad at everyone for just talking about declawing. I want you to talk about litter that’s why I’m here and I was counting on you guys to give some tips and stories of experience with different litter. You people have failed me
Can anyone explain how the background was set up for this video?
Nystate you can’t declaw
I’ve seen info re: pine litter for equine use has something not good for cats. Liver problems.
Good topic, but only talking and no worksheet comparing each brand. This was not helpful and didn’t include major brands,